2 years ago

Alternate Routes To Formal Education

Thinking Unconventionally!
learning self-development

By Admin

Formal Education is a significant component of children's daily life, and in most countries, it is the most important source of children's educational growth, alongside their families.

However, the formal education system is governed by a numerous laws and regulations. It follows a strict curriculum with predetermined goals, content, and technique. Teachers, students, and the institution/infrastructure are all involved. When it comes to developing curriculum and teaching-learning approaches, the fundamental principles of learning are often overlooked. Teachers are the 'givers' in this system, while learners are the ‘receiving end.

Schools, colleges, and universities are the most common places where formal education is provided. However, there alternate routes that can also impart quality education.

With this backdrop in mind, let us explore some alternate routes to formal education in the article below.


Mentors can help here by providing the guidance that is first hand, and imparted in the right context and ratio.

Learn from personal experience

When you have a mentor, they will not only provide you with advice, but they will also share their own experiences and lessons learned with you. They'll let you in on what other individuals have learned. This allows you to develop your own viewpoint and obtain a thorough grasp of how things are done and could be done.

They understand what you're going through

A mentor has gone through comparable situations and knows how things work in the real world in a certain sector. When you're stuck, they can look at things from your perspective and offer the best ways to cope with the situation. You can learn how to write well in a professional course, but you can become an author by writing your first book with the help of these mentors, which makes a big difference.


Apprenticeships are an underutilized educational and employment option with proven effectiveness that is increasingly being adopted by schools around the country. Middle and high schools are currently focusing on preparing pupils for college and university. However, for many students, this is not the only — or even the best — option.

For educators, counselors, parents, and students to embrace successful apprenticeship models as a realistic and exciting educational alternative, a cultural shift is required. An apprenticeship program is ideal for students who want to obtain valuable work experience in a company.

Apprenticeships provide you with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to advance in your host firm and complete concrete projects over time as you gain more and more responsibility. Recruiters may view shorter placements to be less rewarding because they are usually shorter. Practical business experience allows you to master a new skill and improve your capacity to adapt in a professional setting.

Advantages of Apprenticeship

1. Gain Real Life Experience: An apprenticeship can significantly improve your CV and, as a result, your future chances! It will not only help you demonstrate critical talents that companies seek, but it will also demonstrate how hardworking, committed, and mature you are.

2. Discover Your Interest: Apprenticeships are a fantastic method to see if you're a good fit for a particular professional path. Although you may believe that you are qualified for a particular position, an apprenticeship helps you to obtain first-hand experience and learn the truth about the work.

3. Earn While You Learn: Saving money is a major worry for many of us, whether we plan to attend college. Apprenticeships offer the distinct advantage of allowing you to "earn while you learn," which is something that many college courses cannot claim.


An internship enables students to learn new abilities while exploring and enhancing their career. It allows the company to introduce new ideas and enthusiasm into the workplace, cultivate talent, and even create a pipeline for future full-time employees.

Below are the benefits of an internship:

1. An internship can give a student with paid professional work experience in a secure and structured atmosphere while also assisting them with their studies. A worksite mentor and a school-based internship coordinator are typically assigned to interns. The worksite mentor will assist a student in receiving training and providing advice on how to navigate a specific worksite culture and engage with coworkers.

2. An internship allows a student to put their industry abilities to the trial while also learning how to work. Students will have a greater understanding of how what they learn in school will benefit them in the future.

3. For a student, an internship may be a wonderful confidence booster. Success in the real world might motivate a student to study harder in school and to be more willing to take risks or go outside of his or her comfort zone.

Home Schooling

Homeschooling is a rising trend in which parents teach their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. Family’s home school for a variety of reasons, including disappointment with educational options, differing religious or educational views, and the perception that children are not advancing inside the standard school framework.

1. Effective learning: The efficiency and effectiveness of homeschooling are two advantages. With a low student-to-teacher ratio, minimal time is spent waiting in lines or waiting for others to complete during the day. You have a range of homeschooling styles and approaches to select from. Many parents believe that interest-driven learning promotes the development of skills and knowledge in all academic disciplines.

2. Differentiate from school: Another benefit of homeschooling is that you can take advantage of the fact that it differs from traditional schooling. Parents can place a higher importance on individual potential rather than school-based minimum criteria, and they can move away from the standardized testing emphasis in public education.

Hybrid Schooling

As the term "hybrid schooling" relates to "blended learning," kids have the option of attending both traditional school and receiving home instruction. Students have the freedom to attend courses for 2-3 days a week under this form of education system, the school determines the curriculum, teachers offer primary instruction, and parents are heavily involved in their children's academic development.

The most crucial aspect of the hybrid learning approach is the influence it has on students. While online classes are not new, the introduction of Ed tech platforms has made the concept more known to students and parents. In the big picture, adopting a hybrid education system allows for blended learning, in which students participate in traditional classroom activities as well as online learning.


Practicums are frequently a necessary component of a course of study, and they place students in a supervised and often compensated environment. Students, such as school library media students working in a high school library or marketing majors working in a marketing research firm, acquire competences and apply previously studied theory and content.



With everything being more accessible in the twenty-first century, we have come a long way. Even the educational system is changing, with practical and experiential learning taking the lead over traditional teaching methods. While college degrees and certificates are valuable assets, they may not be sufficient. We still need to ensure that critical skills are acquired in order to begin a career and, more importantly, to obtain work in the sector. In this sense, it might be the time to think of alternate routes to formal education.


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